Website statistics cookies

To understand and analyze how visitors use our site, we use the Google Analytics tool.

Below we list the cookies set by for the exact Google Analytics.

_GA - Gathers information about the visitor, which pages are visited for how long, how the visitor found the page, and whether the visitor has been here before. The cookie is stored for two years.

_GID - Gathers information from the visitor about the visitor and is used to differentiate between different users. The cookie is stored for 24 hours.

_GAT - Used to limit the number of requests sent over a limited time. The cookie is stored for 10 minutes.

The information generated by Google Analytics cookies is stored on Google's servers. Your IP number is anonymized before it is stored. We use these cookies to better understand how the site is used so that we can improve it. The information is also used for marketing purposes with Google Ads for which Google Advertising Reporting Features and remarketing is enabled. All such information may be transferred by Google to a third party if required by law or in cases where a third party processes the information on Google's behalf.

Below we list the remaining cookies set by for web statistics.

We use hotjar to improve our website to make it easier to use and understand. Depending on what we are currently researching, the following cookies can be set:

_HJINCLUDEDINSAMPLE - This is set to mark that your session has been saved in aggregated data that tells us how our visitors use our website.

_HJMINIMIZEDPOLLS - This shows that you did not want to respond to a survey we are conducting and the cookie will make sure it does not show up and bother you again.

_HJDONEPOLLS - This shows that you have already answered a survey and the cookie ensures that you do not get the same question multiple times.

Don´t you want your visits to be seen in the statistics?

If you do not want your visits to appear in the statistics, you can install an extension in your browser. The extension is available for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera browsers. You can download the extension from Google